Our Values

At Waiotira Primary School we have PRIDE

Through showing an understanding and awareness for:
Ecological Sustainability  |  conservation, guardianship, environmentally aware

P articipation |  Belonging, Community minded, Connectedness, Whanau, Participation, Co-operation, Negotiation and Teamwork!

Respect  |  Respect for Self, Others, Human rights, Beliefs, Cultures and the Environment.

Innovation  |  Inquiry, Curiosity, Open Mindedness, Questioning, Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity.

Diligence  |  Achievement, always doing your best, Striving for Excellence, Perseverance, Resilience, Competition.

Empathy  |  Care for others, Mindful of your actions and the effect on other feelings. Being honest, using moral judgments – Thinking about right and wrong!